DistilaMax RM
DistilaMax RM has been selected by INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France) in partnership with
• A yeast isolated in a tropical region and demonstrates good tolerance to high fermentation temperatures
and a wide pH range (3.3 – 5.3).
• The recommended fermentation temperature for DistilaMax RM is 25°C – 35°C.
• Has been selected especially for the production of Rhum Agricole and is recommended for use in the
production of cane juice-based spirits, providing an excellent congener profile, aromatic complexity and quality of
• Fermentations consistently meet the minimum specifications for the production of Rhum Agricole with the
production of volatiles substances over 2250 ppm.
- Solids (Dry Weight): 95.5 +/-2.5%
- Viable Cells (CFU/g): >2x10e10
- Total Wild Yeast (CFU/g): <1000
DistilaMax RM is not genetically modified and is Kosher.
See all available DtistilaMax yeasts at Cactus Craft.
Awesome yeast for all sugar and high brix fermentations