Also available in 500g bricks.
Classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a top-fermenting yeast.
Typical Analysis:
- Per cent solids 93% – 96%
- Viability > 5 x 10⁹ CFU per gram of dry yeast
- Wild Yeast < 1 per 10⁶ yeast cells
- Diastaticus Undetectable
- Bacteria < 1 per 10⁶ yeast cells
Check out Lallemand’s website for more information.
Rehydration and direct pitching of dry yeast into wort are both acceptable methods for inoculating fermentation. Rehydration of Lallemand Brewing yeast in sterile water prior to pitching into wort has been shown to reduce stress on the cell as it transitions from dry to liquid form. However, for most fermentations, this stress is not significant enough to affect fermentation performance and flavour, so good results will also be achieved when direct pitching dry yeast into the wort.
1 review for Lalbrew Farmhouse – 11g sachet