Crisp – Scottish Heavy Peated Malt 50
Although primarily a distilling malt, it can be great in a Smoked Porter or other smoked beer!
Tasting Notes:
Peat Smoke, Phenolic
Predicted Distilling Yield (PSY):
410L of pure alcohol per tonne of malt mashed in the distillery. (NB, efficiency factors vary from distillery to distillery). See this awesome link about spirit yields and proper mashing: Crisp Malt – Distilling Yield
Utilising peat from Aberdeenshire and the same spring barley as our Premium Pot Still Malt, we slowly peat our malt to give fullest absorption of phenols by each grain. This results in a depth of flavour that will not fade in storage and will provide that hallmark peat character in your whisky.
Our heavy peated malt is measured at upwards of 50 ppm of total phenol.
Typical Analysis:
See product leaflet under the attachment tab,
Fantastic service, prompts for how the ingredients will be required, milled or not, blended or not. Perfect, thank you.